For »Zement/Cement« Clara Bahlsen investigates objects of her own family and collective past to transform their narrativ.
The image production is comparable with the neurological process of remembrance: encoded fragments are stored in different places of the brain and brought back to consciousness sometimes slightly and sometimes completely changed. Every reality starts in your own head.
Clara Bahlsen
32 Pappseiten
16 Farbbilder
370 x 247mm / 14,5” x 9,72”
Hardcover mit Heißfolienprägung
Edition von 40
Nummeriert, signiert
Buchpreis: € 89
ISBN 978-3-00-054507-8
Erschienen im Eigenverlag
Zement (Cement)
Clara Bahlsen
32 cardboard pages
16 color pictures
370 x 247mm / 14,5” x 9,72”
Hot foil stamped hardcover
Edition of 40
Numbered and signed
Prize: € 89
ISBN 978-3-00-054507-8
Self published