Gonzalo Reyes Araos

The RGB Paintings Series “canvas” by Gonzalo Reyes-Araos — This is a series of paintings on paper inspired by the forms of human relationships through contemporary means of communication. The process giving rise to these paintings seeks to analogize algorithms composing images in LCD screens. The paper is manually painted, cut and glued in order to arrange a raster structuring the painting. The compositions of the “Canvas” series are inspired by the fingerprint marks left on the surface of my mobile phone after daily use. The lack of information is conditioned by wax drawings made on the back of the coloured paper. “Bits of information” fall unglued due to the waxed areas that do not adhere to the support, reflecting on the surface of the work the drawing on the back. What seems to be an oily abstract trace on the surface of our phone results from daily interaction with the screen. Opening applications, typing messages, scrolling, swiping and liking pictures becomes a somatic choreography, evidencing the interaction between the physical and virtual universe. Red, green and blue are the colours that constitute the pixels of the digital screens; a representation of reality that today is most of the time in front of our eyes. The phone screen then becomes a threshold between the virtual and the material world. Light and matter. Thus, these two universes are represented by the two forms of colour representation in these works: light (RGB) and pigment (CMYK).

