When the first bicycle constructors tried to solve the technical issues of building a frame, they sought advice from experts in chair-making and came up with using bended wood. A few dozen years later, bike constructors had moved on to making frames from metal. Young designers of the time that wanted to create furniture from bended metal, now came to seek the expertise of those who were already familiar with this technology: the bicycles constructors. Since this exchange there has been a mutual influence. Elements from one appeared in other one’s work and vice versa.
“Esprit Nouveau n° 9” is the result of joint reflection by the artists Saâdane Afif and Jofroi Amaral. It emerged from their desire to combine different structures in order to reveal their hidden connections and correlations. “Esprit Nouveau n° 9” is a hybrid object, a distinguished monstrosity that offsets its absurd shape with the beauty of its lines.